Proper lighting is essential for healthy plant growth, but which option should you choose: high-pressure sodium? Metal halide? LED grow lights? Why not mix and match until you’ve created the best possible system given the limits of your space?
Most experienced growers have likely drawn their own conclusions already. However, in doing so, they may have missed the forest for the trees. This is to say that perhaps a single light source or type of light isn’t the best way to illuminate an indoor garden and get healthy growth and great yields of high-quality buds. Perhaps it’s really all about combining two or more sources – different in wattage, spectrum, and position.
To understand the benefits here, you must first recognize the influence of the light spectrum on plant responses in the budding phase. The quick-and-dirty version is this: 1) Blue light tends to promote shorter, tighter, sturdier growth as well as better bud quality and more leaves. 2) Red light decreases maturation times and promotes floral/bud formation, resulting in bigger yields of buds in most cannabis strains versus those grown with blue light only.
High-output LED grow lights rich in reds and oranges (but with some blue diodes as well) are a good choice. Higher operating wattages, typically from 300 to 600 watts per panel, usually provide the best results. Not all LED grow lights are created equal, so do your research beforehand and be prepared to spend some money if you want something that works well.