LED aquarium light is one of the most important aspects of successful reef aquaria
and one of the most confusing for many hobbyists.
ads often boast that a particular lighting system is "best", leading to
further confusion. The truth is that there is no universal "best"
lamp. One
should make decisions based on what they wish to achieve. This
short article will examine various options available to the beginning hobbyist
and aid in choosing an appropriate set-up for his or her needs.
While I don’t think there are any true experts in the LED aquarium light field, I’ll
convey my personal observations made while examining different lights.
This research has been conducted over the last 6 years, during which I
have made over 60,000 light measurements under lamps ranging from 9 watt
Power Compacts to 1,000-watt Sulfur lamps. I also managed a
commercial coral farm for two years and made observations and measurements
of literally hundreds of marine invertebrate species. With
this introduction out of the way, let’s get started.
We’ll begin with the most important part of any LED aquarium light - you.